Create Flipp-able Books with flipHtml5

Flip HTML5 is a digital publishing platform.

You can use this platform to generate to create visually attractive flipp-able online books.

Using flipp-able books created with this platform gives you the experience of flipping real pages of a book.

And the flipp-able books can be created out of your existing PDFs and word documents.

The flipping effect is created using jQuery and html5.

You can use it to create product catalogue, client testimonials, list of services, portfolio of clients, image gallery etc.

I created a demo with 5 images with this tool in just under 5 minutes. See the demo below.

It was quite easy to create. First, I signed up for a flipHtml5 account.

Next, I collected five internet marketing images from my hard drive. Then I converted the images to a single PDF file using the imageToPdf tool. You can downlow the tool here.

Then I uploaded the PDF to flipHtml5 website through my account. The uploaded file generated an embed code, which I embeded below.

See the result below.

Flip HTML5 has 3 plans. Free, premium, enterprise.

The free plan has Limited options. It allows one user, 5 daily uploads and free online posting. Free account will display flipHtml5 Ads inside the books. And all the books are marked with flipHtml5 watermark. Use the free account only to test their services.

The pro account is billed at 149 dollar annually. The pro account allows one user, 50 GB storage, and unlimited uploads. This account allow 5 books for local hosting. Unlike the free account this account is ads free. You are also allowed to sell the publications.

Premium account is billed at 299 dollars per year. It allows three users, unlimited storage, and online page editor animation editor. You can use your own custom domain. The premium account also has a command line version and also includes batch conversion feature.

Enterprise account is billed at 999 dollars per year. It allows 10 accounts, unlimited storage, online page editor and an animation editor. You can also use your custom domain. This account comes with a command line version. You can also build an Android app with all your books.

Note that their free account does not allow you to host the books yourself. Free account book our hostel in their own cloud servers.

If you are using a paid account you should always host the books on your own web server. This is because the paid accounts are a subscription service, and if you do not renew you every year then your books are going to be deleted from their server.

So make it a point to use FTP and upload the books to your web server as soon as you publish them.