Simple PHP Pagination With Mysql

I have a wordpress database. I will pull posts from this database and display with pagination. Lets get started.

Make database connection. Obviously values below are for my own database. Change them to fit yours.

// Create connection
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "wptpl"; //

$conn = new mysqli( $servername, $username, $password, $database );

// Check connection

if ( $conn->connect_error )
    die( "Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error );

If connection is good proceed.

Typically paginated pages will have URLs like below



The parameter page is arbitrary and can be changed to anything you want. Say you want to use short p instead of full page. Paginated URLs will take the below form



Let us roll with page for this tutorial.

Capture the page parameter from URL with $_GET[‘page’]

if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) )
    $page = $_GET['page'];
    $page = 1;

How many records you want to display per page? Let us say 10.

$limit = 10;
$offset = ( $page-1 ) * $limit; 

A paginated display will show records from the last offset up to limit.

Get total number of records.

$result = mysqli_query( $conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish'" );
$rows = mysqli_fetch_array( $result, MYSQLI_NUM )[0];
$total = ceil( $rows / $limit );

Get records to display from database

$records = mysqli_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' LIMIT $offset, $limit" );

Notice the use of $offset and $limit above. These must be set to get correct paginated results. Now you can display the records any way you want.

// this will change as per your needs.
$recordChunk = mysqli_fetch_all( $records, MYSQLI_ASSOC );
foreach( $recordChunk as $index => $record ) {
    // display your records here

Close the connection.

mysqli_close( $conn );

Show the pagination links – 1,2,3,4 style. Notice that i have added a class page-link to a tag. This is for styling the navigation links.

$counter = 1;
$pageLink = '';

// pagination links for style 1,2,3,4

while ( $counter <= $total ) { 

    $pageLink .= "<a href='?page=".$counter."'>".$counter."</a> ";        


echo $pageLink; 

Show the pagination links – Previous, Next style

// Pagination links for style - previous, next

$pre = '';
$next = '';

if ( $page <= 1 )
    $pre = '#';

    $pre = '?page=' . ( $page - 1 );

if ( $page >= $total )
    $next = '#';

    $next = '?page=' . ( $page + 1 );

echo "<a href='?page=1'>First</a> ";

echo "<a href='$pre'>Previous</a> ";
echo "<a href='$next'>Next</a> ";

echo "<a href='?page=$total'>Last</a>";

Now let us add some styling. In the loop for pagination – style 1,2,3,4 – add the following code for adding an active class. This code will highlight the active page link. I have also added another class page-link to manage the general look of pagination elements.

while ( $counter <= $total ) { 

    if ( $counter == $page ) 
    $active = 'active';

    $active = '';

    $pageLink .= "<a class='$active page-link' href='?page=".$counter."'>".$counter."</a> ";        


Define these CSS classes in your style sheet.

 .page-link {
      padding: .5em;

 .active {
     background: red;
     color: white;

Styling for Previous-Next can also be done same way.

Let us wrap it up by putting all this code in once place

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


        .page-link {
            padding: .5em;

        .active {
            background: red;
            color: white;

        .page-nav {
            padding: .5em;
            border: 1px solid #ccc;





// Create connection

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "wptpl";

$conn = new mysqli( $servername, $username, $password, $database );

// Check connection

if ( $conn->connect_error )
    die( "Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error );

// Connection is good. Proceed!

if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) )
    $page = $_GET['page'];

    $page = 1;

$limit = 10;
$offset = ( $page-1 ) * $limit; 

$result = mysqli_query( $conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish'" );
$rows = mysqli_fetch_array( $result, MYSQLI_NUM )[0];
$total = ceil( $rows / $limit );

$records = mysqli_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' LIMIT $offset, $limit" );
$recordChunk = mysqli_fetch_all( $records, MYSQLI_ASSOC );

foreach( $recordChunk as $index => $record ) {
    echo $record['post_title'] . "<br>";

mysqli_close( $conn );

$counter = 1;
$pageLink = '';

while ( $counter <= $total ) { 

    if ( $counter == $page ) 
    $active = 'active';

    $active = '';

    $pageLink .= "<a class='$active page-link' href='?page=".$counter."'>".$counter."</a> ";        



echo $pageLink;   

// Previous - Next

$pre = '';
$next = '';

if ( $page <= 1 )
    $pre = '#';

    $pre = '?page=' . ( $page - 1 );

if ( $page >= $total )
    $next = '#';

    $next = '?page=' . ( $page + 1 );

echo "<a class='page-nav' href='?page=1'>First</a> ";

echo "<a class='page-nav' href='$pre'>Previous</a> ";
echo "<a class='page-nav' href='$next'>Next</a> ";

echo "<a class='page-nav' href='?page=$total'>Last</a>";
